Waiting on the man. February 24, 2024

(Green Onion I cut in a perfect line for this mornings eggs).

Currently its just me,  waiting on the man,  who's spending time with a boy and who wont give me a time as for when I should come over and for when that boy will be leaving so we can get to partying. Tonights partying should be interesting, a new crowd for a new world, see u tonight.

Here are some remarks while I wait: 

Notes taken on a paper napkin during Valentines night dinner:

I met Johanna in the  woods where we lived together amongst the trees, 

I took Johanna out to dinner tonight to introduce her to Nico who I met at the market today… 

we reached for the same jar of peanut butter… 

so romantic. …

the bears… 

they were coming … 

but I am here now … 

Running on a wheel to keep the lights on. It’s over for me, where am I gonna get my protein.  Very very pale . Peach colored sun dress . Square face. Hipster in the rain . Thought I should let you know, I love making things up. 

Do I look poetic? Bottled or canned?

The waiter wasn’t sure so she brought me a plate of meat ..I thought it was an animal because it was warm.

But let me fucking tell you this. 

That bitch.. 

did NOT get laid in high school . 

I would fuck my self. 

Okay let’s take a bite 


Here are two youtube links, the duality in this new world of ours. 



Reminders of the day

Remember to lock in when ash ing a cigarette because honestly you never fucking know who might be behind you just waiting to push you over..

Remember to always have one eye out for math because that shit has got its eye out on you. I read the other day in the paper about a man who never really liked math, but one day decided to learn it after his many years of adult hood without it,  because he figured it would make him a more complete and intelligible person. Sounds like a mid-life crisis to me, but he eventually encountered a level to math which was interesting enough for him to be able to publish it in the Sunday Times - About maths relationship to god. Of course, of fucking course math has something to do with god, perhaps thats why i never understood it! It's something to do with maths infinity's and how its possibly a language god created for us to reach him - Only of course, through thousands and billions of calculations will we be able to.  I don't know, found that ridiculous,  

"Math reveals the sovereignty, infinity and perfect wisdom of God". Get the fuck out of here. 

bye bros. SEE YOU TONIGHT.


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