Monday April 29


Last April Post.

 Crazy. πŸ’πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό

Hello World. Hello Readers. Hello Fans. Hello Watchers...

Today we write to you from our APES class. Exam next week. Studying? No, we blog. #committed #foryou. This is our last week before everyone comes home. THIS SUMMER. STARRING: Me. me.  AND twentttyyyyythreee. 

Let's start off with the biggest bar of the Weekend: 
There's a difference between an American kiss and a European kiss. An American kiss is when they kiss like they wanna fuck you. A European kiss is when they kiss like they are IN LOVE with you. 
Thank you. 

Memorable Moments from our Weekend:

Friday; Somehow we didn't feel like partying so we  (Erica, Annelies, Azalea, Eva, Emilia) decided to get ice cream at Dolcezza. The whole family in the car, besides Jesse, unfortunately. 
We did have a Friday dinner with Joe and Nove though. Joe told me I could "make it" with my DJ career because I am a "beautiful young woman", then I tried to plug in my deck and didn't remember how it worked. He still sent me a playlist of "weird music" from his "dance parties" in Brooklyn, where people gather in a loft and all lay on the floor micro-dosing for 4-5 hours. 

(Here is a highlight from the songs he sent: Really suggest you listen)

The Lilac And the Apple, -Dntel

and here's the whole weird playlist 

Saturday. Adrian's birthday dartyyyyyy. We arrived with 12 beers, played some pong, talked to those so-called readers, friends, and watchers, and then parted ways with the group for about 2 hours.... 2 hours later we found ourselves all together again. Not Ready to club. But going to the club. Emilia and I rode in the trunk. haven't done that since r..... m... .... c ..... 

Anyways, Highlights from the club: 
Our friend's ID was one day expired so we watched 5 of our friends fight with the bouncer for about 20 minutes trying to get the DJ, owner, and bartender on the phone advocating for him. None worked. We walked away and he screamed "YOU HAVE NO SOUL. " then something like "suck a dick" or "You're a fucking dick" or "You're fucking bitch you dickhead " Something classy. Not sure exactly, text me the quote if you remember. But what was even classier was when our other friend got grabbed inside the club by one of the security guards. She was taken to the back, pushed out the back door, and into the alley getting kicked out. Didn't even know there was a back door. pause. Anyway, She was ready for bed so thank you, security lady.

QUOTES: πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

"I'm down to mold" 

"Imagine being as dumb as a bumblebee" 

"No, all love but if there was a person that embodied a blank stare it would be her"

"Ok bye, challenge you tomorrow." 

"She asked him to go to the bathroom and he was like I’m not gay so yeah"

"It feels like we are staying up late talking in a different country when we’re not supposed to and all our friends are asleep while we’re all in a house in the mountains and have a hike to do tomorrow."

"bitch I'm coming out like I'm nine months pregnant"

I don't know what the moon is doing but they brought us a freak. Look at this hand that was just sitting next to me the other day in the car. 

Reminder: Readers, whoever you are, we know who you are, but please leave us comments. it should work now so u can comment new words, quotes, questions, opinions, or something crazy because us two bugs do not have enough eyes and ears to stay updated on this wide world. 
But watch out because what these two bugs do have is that we know, what you don't think we know. And if you know what we know. Let's talk about it. Just kidding, we'll never talk about it because you don't know that we know what you know.
Case in point, we know some things... 

    Eva and Emilia



  2. Wait it works now

  3. Oh type. Oh Valih. Oh cluuu

  4. What do u know 🫦

  5. Thank you so much for the shout out. Would not be here today without that nice security guard booting my ass down the alley.


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