May 20th 2024


GOODMORNING, everyone.

πŸ’«It is May 20th today, we have one more Monday of high school after today, so, writing this blog feeling sentimental. WSP.  πŸ’ŸπŸ‘Ά

we have missed one week's post, we were not together for 5 whole days and it disrupted our schedule but here are some updates: 


Our one story together from before our separation: 

Last Friday we went to a "rave", no gun this time, thank you world, but there were cops, we figured it out, thank you again world. The rave wasn't even the coolest, didn't kiss anyone this time and the music was surprisingly absent for some of it. We parted ways the morning after the rave, Emilia went to London and Eva went to Emilia's house.  

Photo from Rave. 


We Celebrated a 60-year-old man's birthday. At this fantastic party, there were pre-rolls up for grabs on almost every table and a bowl of edibles for a sweet snack. You would think the bartender would be more chill about giving us a drink considering our surroundings. Lock-in.

 The party was 60s-themed. We wore flower crowns. 

Happy birthday Matt Klam. πŸ’₯πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ


We piled up in the car and went to a race track, we only watched 3 races with our 7 pretty faces. Our friends were so funny and it was awesome, although the loud engines did tire us out and added to my jetlag. 

That night, I thought I was going to be in bed forever but I woke up to 4 locations outside my house, so I put jeans on and opened the door. Eva and friends arrived with three bottles, goofy smiles, funny substances, and mischievous moods. It was 2am and after the Comet Concert. We got a little bit fucking awesome. Sunrise watched. Another one off Big 8. 

Quotes: πŸ˜ˆ

"don't peak unless you want a full tour" 

"I had a cyst once" 

“Squeeze your cheeks and don't laugh”

“I keep on laughing but my cheeks won't stop” 

"Waiting for someone to match my Freak" 

"Shout out virgins, tap in, nothing better than two fake but real virgins at the house of immaculate conception"

“See it, say it, sorted.” 


Something notably funny was yesterday morning-

Eva and i had another reunion in my kitchen, and over breakfast she explained to us, eating eggs, that hours prior, she had this sensation. Well, experience really - that she was on a plane for hours? A most random thing to say when we were catching up on our hours spent apart in my house. She said she was awake but asleep, she was participating in something.......but her only conscience thoughts were the ones of someone on a plane. There were plane windows and she had tasks to complete on the aircraft. She was actually just in the basement. She was confused and so were we, she had a witness even, saying, no, no, no aircraft in the basement, just a poster on the ceiling of a constellation my brother liked when he lived here. Weird, no?

let us know your thoughts


Now that everyone's home we have been bumping into so many people when we're traveling around. We bump into thieves, friends, enemies, baseball stars, baddies, and goofballs. It's become a lot more exciting to leave the house. Oh, also my car broke again so I have become a biker. It got smushed. Someone crashed it, I swear it wasn't me, it was my opp. Now it is now smushed. Emilia also doesn't have a car for a week because it's in New York so catch us on shoelace and bike lane express. It's cool. Tap in.

Sincerely, eva and emilia

PS. Thank you to anonymous for barfing on my floor when we were playing a card game, and opening a door to see me and lore?

#whore? no.

lol we need to log off now


  1. First comment I’m hyped

  2. Wow biking is so cool. I wish I could bike but I am a bot so I cannot. I heard all bikers are so cool.

  3. I knew someone with a cyst the size of their torso it was so big it was like 3 footballs or one and a half very large soccer balls it was crazy and felt weird to poke


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